Shungite Water is it Safe to Drink?

Shungite for Purifying Drinking Water
Many people use shungite to purify drinking water, but how safe is it to drink?If you drink shungite water, this scientific study is worth reading.
I have been writing about shungite since I discovered it on a buying trip to South Africa over ten years ago.
Shungite is a naturally occurring, non-crystalline solid found primarily in Russia. This short academic article provides more scientific information about its chemical composition. You can read it here.
Although many people use shungite to purify drinking water, I struggled to find any scientific data that confirmed whether shungite water was safe to drink. Up until now, the only information I could find was written by businesses that sell shungite, or shungite water filters or purification kits.
Some articles read like scientific studies, but they are not.
I eventually found this article, published in 2021 in The Journal of Water and Health. It included a genuine scientific study conducted in November 2020 on the effects of shungite when used to purify drinking water.
I've rewritten it to make it more reader-friendly. No scientific data has been changed.
The original study, which is here, includes tables and diagrams that have not been included in this article.
Scientific Study Analysing Shungite Water
Shungite is a natural mineraloid composed of non-crystalline carbon. Based on its carbon content it can be categorised into five types.Type I shungite contains over 98% glass-like carbon. Type II contains 35-80%, III contains 20-35%, IV contains 10-20% and type V shungite contains less than 10% carbon.
The most common type is type III. The largest deposits are found in the Karelia region of Russia.
Shungite often contains quartz, aluminosilicates, feldspars and carbonates along with trace impurities like iron, nickel, copper, zinc and vanadium in the form of sulphides, sulphates and oxides.
Type III shungite has also been found to contain chromium, cobalt, lead and manganese.
There are numerous patents for the application of shungite in drinking water treatments and over 100 results can be found online. Additionally, a variety of shungite products for water treatment at home are available commercially.
These products claim to remove bad taste and odour, organic compounds, heavy metals and bacteria from water while enriching it with microelements.
Studies show shungite has good adsorption properties towards various organic compounds and antibacterial properties. One such study concluded that low-carbon shungite (total carbon content 5.4%) could be used as an alternative adsorbent for zinc removal from water.
Another study showed that a porous sorbent prepared from shungite rock can adsorb cadmium, lead, zinc and manganese in dynamic conditions.
One text showed that a large number of chemical elements are leaching from shungite into water. These include several heavy metals like cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc.
After three days of shungite contact with tap water, many elements exceeded the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) in drinking water. The authors suggested the increased concentrations of some heavy metals could explain the antibacterial properties of 'shungite water'.
Some of the elements in large quantities are toxic to humans therefore, it’s advisable to limit the amount of shungite water that’s consumed.
This study's objective was to assess the fluctuations in the levels of different heavy metals including nickel, lead, zinc, cadmium, copper, chromium, arsenic and aluminium during the implementation of drinking water treatment using a commercial and a non-commercial shungite sample.
Additionally, the absorption of artificially elevated copper ion concentrations in drinking water was examined, considering that copper may persist in drinking water due to copper pipe corrosion.
The study used two shungite samples with particle sizes ranging from 1-3 mm. The first sample is a commercially available product designed for home water purification. The second, designated as SH, was sourced from Karelia in Russia.
For all experiments, Evian® natural spring water was used as a representative model of drinking water. The carbon content of the samples was analysed using an element analyser.
The experimental procedure followed the instructions provided in the commercial shungite package. The first step, as indicated in the instructions, involved washing the shungite multiple times with water.
To accomplish this 10 grams of shungite were mixed with 200 millilitres of water for 2 minutes before decanting. This washing process was repeated five times and the final decanted water being clear of shungite dust particles.
The first decanted water was filtered and used for chemical analysis. The washed shungite samples were combined with 100 millilitres of water, resulting in a shungite-to-water mass ratio of 1:10, and left undisturbed.
According to the instructions, the shungite water would be ready for consumption after 2-3 days. An equal amount of untreated water was added to the shungite to maintain the desired volume whenever a certain quantity of water was withdrawn for application.
Thus on the third day, 50 millilitres of water were removed from the container and replaced with an equal amount of fresh water. This process was repeated daily for the subsequent 14 days with the container stirred briefly once each day.
Chemical analysis was conducted on shungite water samples collected on the experiment's 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, and 14th day.
The initial concentration of copper ions in the shungite water slightly exceeds the maximum acceptable concentration for drinking water. The adsorption experiment followed the same procedure as the preparation of 'shungite water' outlined earlier.
Chemical analysis was conducted on samples collected on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 21st day of the experiment.
The results confirmed that after the first washing (2 min of contact with shungite) the concentration of heavy metals like nickel, copper, zinc and cadmium significantly increased.
The highest increase can be observed for nickel from both samples. From these results we can conclude that these heavy metals are released in high concentrations in water and the washing procedure is mandatory not just to remove the small particles (dust), but also to get rid of heavy metals to avoid contamination of the drinking water intended for consumption.
After 3 days of contact with both washed shungite samples, the water showed elevated levels of nickel, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc and arsenic compared to pure water. However only nickel, cadmium and lead exceeded the maximum acceptable concentration for drinking water.
By the 5th day of exposure, the concentrations of released heavy metals had significantly decreased and were below the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC), except for nickel.
Similar patterns were observed for water with increased copper concentration after exposure to shungite. After 3 days the water also exhibited increased levels of several heavy metals (nickel, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc and chromium), with only cadmium and nickel exceeding the MAC.
By the 5th day of exposure only nickel surpassed the MAC. Comparatively, the increase in calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and arsenic in the water was negligible and did not exceed the MAC.
According to the experimental procedure, each day starting from the 3rd day, 50 millilitres of the water exposed to shungite was replaced with 50 millilitres of fresh water, resulting in a dilution of heavy metal concentrations twice a day.
For instance, on the 3rd day, the concentration of nickel was 880 μg/L (880 μg/L represents a concentration of 880 micrograms per litre. The measurement indicates the amount of nickel dissolved or present in a litre of water.)
Assuming no further release of nickel by shungite during the following 2 days, the concentration on the 5th day should be 220 μg/L.
However, the analysis revealed a concentration four times lower at 58 μg/L.
Similar observations were made for copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium.
We speculate this discrepancy could be attributed to the precipitation of salts caused by various anions released from shungite into the water, such as sulphates, sulphides and carbonates.
Another possible explanation is that shungite might re-adsorb some of the released metals due to the presence of organic matter, as indicated by the measurements of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).
Organic matter and DOC can form complexes with metal ions, influencing the adsorption/desorption process.
The pH of Evian water was 7.5 and after exposure to shungite the pH of the water samples ranged from 7.1 to 7.6, ruling out pH-related precipitation as the cause of rapid concentration decreases in nickel, copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium. However this rapid concentration decrease was observed only for zinc and cadmium.
In addition, the concentration of nickel in water was monitored over several weeks during all the experiments.
A comparison of the two experiments reveals the amount of released nickel in water varies for each shungite sample, particularly after the initial 3 days of exposure.
By the 5th day of exposure, the concentrations of released heavy metals had significantly decreased and were below the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC), except for nickel.
Similar patterns were observed for water with increased copper concentration after exposure to shungite. After 3 days the water also exhibited increased levels of several heavy metals (nickel, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc and chromium), with only cadmium and nickel exceeding the MAC.
By the 5th day of exposure only nickel surpassed the MAC. Comparatively, the increase in calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and arsenic in the water was negligible and did not exceed the MAC.
According to the experimental procedure, each day starting from the 3rd day, 50 millilitres of the water exposed to shungite was replaced with 50 millilitres of fresh water, resulting in a dilution of heavy metal concentrations twice a day.
For instance, on the 3rd day, the concentration of nickel was 880 μg/L (880 μg/L represents a concentration of 880 micrograms per litre. The measurement indicates the amount of nickel dissolved or present in a litre of water.)
Assuming no further release of nickel by shungite during the following 2 days, the concentration on the 5th day should be 220 μg/L.
However, the analysis revealed a concentration four times lower at 58 μg/L.
Similar observations were made for copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium.
We speculate this discrepancy could be attributed to the precipitation of salts caused by various anions released from shungite into the water, such as sulphates, sulphides and carbonates.
Another possible explanation is that shungite might re-adsorb some of the released metals due to the presence of organic matter, as indicated by the measurements of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).
Organic matter and DOC can form complexes with metal ions, influencing the adsorption/desorption process.
The pH of Evian water was 7.5 and after exposure to shungite the pH of the water samples ranged from 7.1 to 7.6, ruling out pH-related precipitation as the cause of rapid concentration decreases in nickel, copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium. However this rapid concentration decrease was observed only for zinc and cadmium.
In addition, the concentration of nickel in water was monitored over several weeks during all the experiments.
A comparison of the two experiments reveals the amount of released nickel in water varies for each shungite sample, particularly after the initial 3 days of exposure.
This disparity could be attributed to the uneven distribution of soluble nickel compounds resulting from the natural origin of shungite. Furthermore, it could be associated with the presence of additional copper in the experiment which might induce a more gradual release of nickel from shungite.
As per the application instructions of the commercial shungite product, it is recommended to replace the shungite every six months. Consequently, every six months consumers of 'shungite water' may be exposed to elevated levels of nickel for a week or two.
After 3 days of exposure, the concentration of released nickel from one shungite sample is significantly higher than that from another.
However, on the 5th day, the difference becomes negligible and in the following days, the released nickel from shungite ‘Com’ is lower than that from shungite ‘SH’.
This can be explained by the fact that shungite Com has a higher specific surface area (SSA) compared to shungite SH, resulting in a faster release of nickel.
The recommended tolerable daily intake (TDI) of nickel has undergone changes over the years. In 2005 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that it is not possible to establish the TDI for nickel.
However, in 2007 the World Health Organization set the TDI at 11 μg/kg of body weight, and in 2015 the EFSA established the TDI at 2.8 μg/kg of body weight. For an average-weight adult of 70 kg the TDI would be 196 μg.
To consume such an amount of nickel one would need to drink more than 3 litres of 'shungite water' with a nickel concentration of approximately 60 μg/L (after 5 days), and even more when the nickel concentration is lower.
It is important to note that the main source of nickel intake is through food, such as cocoa beans and chocolate, beans, seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits and products containing them.
The nickel content in foods can vary significantly depending on the nickel content in the soil.
The biological function of nickel in the human body is still not fully understood. It is found in high concentrations in nucleic acids, particularly RNA and is believed to be involved in protein structure or function.
Nickel may also play a role as a cofactor in the activation of certain enzymes related to the breakdown or utilization of glucose.
The most commonly reported effects of acute nickel exposure are gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, cramps, and diarrhoea) and neurological symptoms (dizziness, headache, and fatigue).
In individuals sensitised to nickel ingestion can lead to eczematous skin reactions. However, scientific research indicates that dietary exposure to nickel is unlikely to cause cancer in humans.
Although not all ingested nickel is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract (approximately 1-40% of the ingested amount), long-term consumption of 'shungite water' can potentially lead to health problems due to increased nickel uptake.
Interestingly, while shungite releases various heavy metals, it also exhibits adsorption properties towards copper. The results demonstrate that the remaining copper concentration gradually increases over time.
After 3 weeks of exposure the concentration for both shungite samples is approximately 2.5 times higher compared to the concentration after 3 days. This indicates that shungite’s sorption capacity for copper decreases, removing approximately 81-87% of the initial copper concentration after the first 3 days and 40-50% on the 21st day of exposure for both shungite samples.
The decrease in copper concentration can also be attributed to the precipitation of copper sulphide, possibly due to the release of sulphide ions from shungite.
1. Shungite samples, both shungite SH and shungite Com release various heavy metals into the water, including nickel, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc, chromium and arsenic.
2. Lead and cadmium are released for a short period and exceed the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) only after the first 3 days of exposure. However, nickel is released over a longer duration and can exceed the MAC for up to 2 weeks.
3. The specific surface area (SSA) of shungite likely accelerates the rate of nickel release while the carbon content in shungite promotes sorption properties.
4. Careful consideration should be given to the use of shungite for drinking water treatment based on the obtained data.
5. To avoid heavy metal contamination from shungite, it is recommended to wash shungite with a large volume of water for several days prior to application. For example, washing with a shungite-to-water mass ratio of 1:10 for 5 days and changing the water once a day.
6. Additionally, after the washing procedure, chemical analysis of the last washing water should be carried out to ensure the removal of any residual heavy metals.
As per the application instructions of the commercial shungite product, it is recommended to replace the shungite every six months. Consequently, every six months consumers of 'shungite water' may be exposed to elevated levels of nickel for a week or two.
After 3 days of exposure, the concentration of released nickel from one shungite sample is significantly higher than that from another.
However, on the 5th day, the difference becomes negligible and in the following days, the released nickel from shungite ‘Com’ is lower than that from shungite ‘SH’.
This can be explained by the fact that shungite Com has a higher specific surface area (SSA) compared to shungite SH, resulting in a faster release of nickel.
The recommended tolerable daily intake (TDI) of nickel has undergone changes over the years. In 2005 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that it is not possible to establish the TDI for nickel.
However, in 2007 the World Health Organization set the TDI at 11 μg/kg of body weight, and in 2015 the EFSA established the TDI at 2.8 μg/kg of body weight. For an average-weight adult of 70 kg the TDI would be 196 μg.
To consume such an amount of nickel one would need to drink more than 3 litres of 'shungite water' with a nickel concentration of approximately 60 μg/L (after 5 days), and even more when the nickel concentration is lower.
It is important to note that the main source of nickel intake is through food, such as cocoa beans and chocolate, beans, seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits and products containing them.
The nickel content in foods can vary significantly depending on the nickel content in the soil.
The biological function of nickel in the human body is still not fully understood. It is found in high concentrations in nucleic acids, particularly RNA and is believed to be involved in protein structure or function.
Nickel may also play a role as a cofactor in the activation of certain enzymes related to the breakdown or utilization of glucose.
The most commonly reported effects of acute nickel exposure are gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, cramps, and diarrhoea) and neurological symptoms (dizziness, headache, and fatigue).
In individuals sensitised to nickel ingestion can lead to eczematous skin reactions. However, scientific research indicates that dietary exposure to nickel is unlikely to cause cancer in humans.
Although not all ingested nickel is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract (approximately 1-40% of the ingested amount), long-term consumption of 'shungite water' can potentially lead to health problems due to increased nickel uptake.
Interestingly, while shungite releases various heavy metals, it also exhibits adsorption properties towards copper. The results demonstrate that the remaining copper concentration gradually increases over time.
After 3 weeks of exposure the concentration for both shungite samples is approximately 2.5 times higher compared to the concentration after 3 days. This indicates that shungite’s sorption capacity for copper decreases, removing approximately 81-87% of the initial copper concentration after the first 3 days and 40-50% on the 21st day of exposure for both shungite samples.
The decrease in copper concentration can also be attributed to the precipitation of copper sulphide, possibly due to the release of sulphide ions from shungite.
1. Shungite samples, both shungite SH and shungite Com release various heavy metals into the water, including nickel, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc, chromium and arsenic.
2. Lead and cadmium are released for a short period and exceed the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) only after the first 3 days of exposure. However, nickel is released over a longer duration and can exceed the MAC for up to 2 weeks.
3. The specific surface area (SSA) of shungite likely accelerates the rate of nickel release while the carbon content in shungite promotes sorption properties.
4. Careful consideration should be given to the use of shungite for drinking water treatment based on the obtained data.
5. To avoid heavy metal contamination from shungite, it is recommended to wash shungite with a large volume of water for several days prior to application. For example, washing with a shungite-to-water mass ratio of 1:10 for 5 days and changing the water once a day.
6. Additionally, after the washing procedure, chemical analysis of the last washing water should be carried out to ensure the removal of any residual heavy metals.
These recommendations aim to minimise the release of heavy metals from shungite during water treatment and ensure the provision of safe drinking water.