Sugilite Properties, Facts and Photos

Contents 1. What is Sugilite? 2. Sugilite Geology 3. Sugilite Healing Properties 4. Article Pictures 5. Shop Sugilite |
What is Sugilite?
Sugilite is a rare, distinctive mineral known for its striking purple colour. The intensity of its colour can vary depending on the concentration of chemical elements, particularly manganese and iron.
Sugilite was discovered in Japan in 1944. In 1976, it was named after Professor Ken-ichi Sugi, the eminent petrologist who discovered it.
The greenish-yellowish-brown stone he discovered was visually quite different to the purple sugilite found many years later in South Africa.
The sugilite found in Japan was believed to be a variety of eudialyte. With eudialyte already being a known mineral, the stone was not believed to be a new find.
It was another thirty-two years before sugilite was finally classified as a mineral in its own right.
In 1973, a new source of sugilite came to light in the Kalahari Manganese Fields, Southern Kalahari Desert, South Africa.
The size of the deposit dwarfed anything found previously, and the quality of the sugilite stone was far superior. The vast majority came from the Wessels Mine, although smaller quantities were also found in the adjacent N'Chwaning Mine.
Sugilite was once known as luvulite, although the name is now very rarely used.'Sugilite' is often pronounced with a soft 'g' as in the word 'genius'. It should, however, be pronounced with a hard 'g' as in 'gold'. This is because the surname of the person after whom it was named is pronounced in this way.
Geology of Sugilite
The chemical composition of sugilite is primarily potassium, sodium, lithium, iron, manganese, and aluminium.
It crystallises in masses and also forms individual crystals, which are extremely rare. Minerals that crystallise with a 'massive' crystal habit form one large, shapeless mass. The crystals have no external shape or form.
The vast majority of sugilite and certainly the finest grade, comes from the Kalahari Manganese Field in the Northern Cape of South Africa. The largest known manganese deposit on Earth, the Kalahari Manganese Field lies among sedimentary rocks more than two billion years old.
The exact age of the deposit is unknown, but it's estimated to be between two billion and three billion years old. It's believed to have formed during a period of intense volcanic activity, which resulted in the accumulation of manganese-rich minerals in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa.
Over time, it was covered by sediment and preserved until it was discovered in the 1940s.
The Kalahari Manganese Field is much older than the Kalahari Desert itself, which is estimated to be about five million years old. The deposit has been exposed through erosion and other geological processes, making it accessible for mining today.Over the last few years, smaller deposits of gem-grade sugilite have been found in Italy, New South Wales, Mount Saint-Hilaire in Canada, and Tajikistan.
It has also reportedly been found in India, but the find has not been pursued because of the limited amount present and low grade.
The finest grade of sugilite, often known as gel sugilite, exhibits amazing colour but is exceptionally rare. Gel sugilite is believed to be mostly mined out.
Because sugilite is a rare and highly sought-after mineral, a considerable amount of fake material is in circulation. It's usually produced from a combination of low-grade sugilite and other minerals that may or may not have been artificially coloured.
It can also be a combination of minerals that contain no sugilite at all. Unsurprisingly, fake sugilite comes from China.
Sugilite Healing Properties
Sugilite strengthens emotions and aids mental and physical well-being. It balances mind, body and spirit, clears unwanted thoughts, and enhances spiritual love.
Due to the presence of manganese, it's said to be a good remedy for headaches.
Sugilite counteracts the feeling of alienation or isolation and reduces tension about what you want and what can realistically be achieved.
A significant love stone, sugilite brings wisdom and opens all the chakras to the acceptance of love and a path of happiness. It helps find answers to questions about life, such as why am I here and what is my destiny.
Sugilite can bring light to the darkest situations by alleviating emotional stress and promoting healing. It brings a sense of peace and clarity during challenging times.
On a mental level, sugilite promotes understanding and can settle nerves, especially when making difficult decisions or experiencing emotional turmoil. It eases sorrow, grief and fear and encourages positive thoughts and behaviour.
Sugilite is a stone for those who need love and support and who struggle with some aspects of life.
When used for career development, it stimulates a strong desire for learning and success. It motivates you to acquire new skills and expand your knowledge.
Sugilite improves confidence and self-esteem. It can encourage you to show off skills and talents that would otherwise not be seen.
Article Pictures
The sugilite in the picture at the top of our article is courtesy of Steve Blyskal.
The single polished stone and rough pieces were once part of our collection.
The sugilite from the Wessels mine is in the Harvard Museum of Natural History, Massachusetts, USA. Photo by Stone Mania.
All photos, except the polished stone, are clickable and redirect to the original image.