Morganite Properties, Meaning, Facts and Photos

What is Morganite?
Morganite is a pink variety of the mineral beryl. Discovered in Madagascar in 1910, it was named not long afterwards by gemmologist and Tiffany & Co's vice president George Frederick Kunz.
Morganite was named in honour of American banker J.P. Morgan. As well as being an avid mineral collector, he also donated generously to the New York Museum of Natural History.
Morganite, when used as a gemstone, tends to be faceted. It's mainly used in fine jewellery.
The stone's natural colour varies from yellowish-orange to peachy-orange to a peachy shade of pink. It can also be light violet.
The colour is usually very subtle, so many stones are heat-treated to increase saturation. Depending on the treatment used, the colour can also be enhanced to produce a richer or deeper shade of pink.
'Peach morganite' is a trade name for stones that are more peach-coloured than pink. Ironically, this is often the natural colour of morganite.
By definition, morganite is pink beryl, even though the colour may not be particularly pink. It was likely labelled 'pink beryl' after being heat-treated.
The American Jeweller Tiffany & Co. would have been selling morganite as a gemstone, not as a rough mineral. Therefore, it would almost certainly have been heat-treated to make the colour more desirable.
Impurities of manganese in morganite are largely responsible for the shade and depth of colour.
As well as Madagascar, morganite can also be found in Brazil, parts of the USA, Mozambique, Namibia, Afghanistan and Russia.On the Mohs scale of hardness, morganite grades 7.5 to 8. Although quite a hard mineral, it's also brittle. Gemstone hardness should not be confused with toughness.
Morganite must be protected from excessive heat, significant temperature changes and bright sunlight.
Article Pictures
The morganite in the picture at the top of our article is in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C. The stone is an enhanced cushion-cut gemstone from Brazil that weighs 448.64 carats.
The morganite in our second photo is courtesy of Steve Blyskal. The image is clickable and redirects to the original photo.