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What is Silicon?

the chemical element silicon

Silicon: A Common Chemical Element

Silicon is the most common chemical element after oxygen. Together, they form silicates, which make up approximately 75% of Earth's crust.

Silicon is a metalloid, meaning it has properties of both metals and non-metals.

In its purest form, silicon is a non-combustible, hard yet brittle crystalline solid that's odourless and colourless.

Silicon is a semiconductor used in a wide range of electronic devices, the best known being computer chips. This is how Silicon Valley got its name.

Silicon Valley, located in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, is a global centre for technology, innovation, and social media. It's home to many of the world's largest technology companies.

Silicon is an effective semiconductor because it can conduct and block electricity, making it ideal for use in electronic devices.

In its pure form, silicon is a poor conductor of electricity, but that can be improved by introducing small amounts of impurities, a process known as doping.

The impurities added to silicon in very small amounts to change its electrical properties are known as dopants.

Silicon is also used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics and, when combined with other elements, forms silicone polymers. This flexible, rubber-like material is found in many industrial and consumer products, including lubricants, adhesives, sealants, and even medical implants.

Silicon, the chemical element, is often confused with silicone, the synthetic material. It's also confused with silica, which is a chemical compound of silicon and oxygen. Silica, also known as silicon dioxide, occurs naturally as the mineral quartz. 

Silicon was discovered by Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius in 1824.

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