Blue Tigers Eye Crystals
Highly polished, blue tigers eye tumbled stones from South Africa.
These blue tiger's eye crystals are very dark and could be mistaken for black. However, as light reflects off the surface of some stones, a subtle blue hue can be seen.
The brown variety of tiger's eye doesn’t have this blue hue because the iron in the stone’s crystal structure has fully oxidised. In blue tigers eye, the iron is less oxidised, so has retained its original bluish-grey colour.
Oxidation is a process where something is exposed to oxygen. A peeled apple turns brown as it oxidises. Tarnish on sterling silver is also caused by oxidation.
Chatoyance, a typical characteristic of tigers eye, can be seen in some of these blue tigers eye stones. They're exceptionally tactile and each piece is unique.
These blue tigers eye crystals are a medium-size stone but size can vary from piece to piece. This is common for stones produced in a rock tumbler as opposed to those cut by hand.
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