Unakite Properties, Meaning, Facts and Photos

large and chunky part polished unakite stone

What is Unakite?

Unakite is a type of granite composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, pistachio-green epidote, and clear or grey microcrystalline quartz.

Unakite is 
a rock, not a mineral.

A stone classified as unakite must contain orthoclase feldspar and epidote. Some material labelled unakite is composed purely of green epidote.

This colourful metamorphic rock can be found in several locations near the Blue Ridge Mountains. Small pebbles to large boulders are common in many of the state parks.

Although mostly found at higher elevations, unakite can also be found in river valleys, having been carried down from the mountains.

Unakite is also found near Lake Superior and other locations in the U.S.A. South Africa, Brazil and China also have deposits.

Unakite forms through metamorphism, where granite undergoes chemical and physical changes due to intense heat and pressure over long periods.

When subjected to extreme geological conditions, some minerals in granite change, particularly feldspar.

The original pink feldspar, which is usually orthoclase or microcline, partially metamorphoses into epidote, which is a green mineral. However, not all of the feldspar is altered. Some of the original pink feldspar remains intact, contributing to the pinkish colour of unakite.

Quartz remains relatively unchanged and appears as translucent, greyish or colourless sections within the stone.

This transformation occurs when fluids rich in elements like calcium, iron and aluminium permeate the granite, causing the minerals to recrystallise and form new combinations.

Metamorphism typically takes place deep within the Earth's crust.
Three unakite spheresThe finest unakite is widely used for decorative purposes. Being opaque, gemstones tend to be cut as cabochons.

The name 'unakite' comes from the Unaka Range of Mountains of North Carolina, where it was discovered in 1874.

The name was originally spelt 'unakyte.'

Some online references claim that unakite is the state stone for Virginia. However, I have not been able to find anything factual from an official organisation to confirm this.

Unakite is sometimes labelled as "unakite jasper", which is geologically incorrect. Unakite and Jasper are two different stones.

Unakite, which is relatively hard, grades 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Article Photos

The unakite in this article is from our collection. The photo of the spheres is clickable and redirects to the original image.

Pop-up photos: Granite, epidote, orthoclase - Courtesy of Stan Celestian.
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