How to Clean Silver Jewellery and Gemstones

Contents 1. Cleaning Silver Jewellery 2. Keep Jewellery Covered 3. Silver Polishing Cloth 4. Protect from Corrosives 5. Gemstone Care |
How to Clean Silver Jewellery
Cleaning silver and gemstones regularly will ensure your collection remains in pristine condition.
There is so much information online about how to clean silver jewellery and gemstones that it's difficult to know where to start. While some recommendations offer excellent advice, others are genuinely awful.
In one article that I read, the author recommended soaking gold jewellery with gemstones in white vinegar. They recommended leaving it for fifteen minutes and then to "scrub it" with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
Although gold is resistant to corrosion, oxidation, and chemical reactions including with acids, many gemstones are not. If your stone happens to be calcite or turquoise, there won't be much left after a treatment like this.
Furthermore, although pure gold (24-carat) is unlikely to become damaged, gold with a lower purity may contain alloys such as silver or copper that can have a negative reaction to acid.
Another point to remember is that some gemstones should not be allowed to get wet.
Keep Jewellery Covered
Jewellery should be stored somewhere cool, dry, and dark, and ideally, on a soft surface.
Covering silver and gemstone jewellery with a soft cloth helps protect it from marks and scratches.
Silver and gold are soft metals that will scratch if they rub against something harder, such as the box in which they're being stored or another piece of jewellery.
The Mohs scale of mineral hardness measures the scratch resistance of one mineral against another. All known minerals are graded 1 to 10. 1 is used for the softest minerals and 10 for the hardest. Silver and gold (24-carat) grade 2.5, so can be scratched by a mineral with the same grade or one that's higher.
Gold alloyed with other metals is likely to be slightly harder.
Scratches on gold, silver, and gemstone jewellery can be prevented by keeping pieces separated and covered.
Use a Silver Polishing Cloth
Although pure silver doesn't tarnish, sterling silver does. That's because sterling silver is alloyed copper, which tarnishes over time.
Pure silver is too soft to be used for many household items, so it's usually alloyed with at least one other metal. This improves strength and durability but reduces resistance to tarnish.
Tarnish is a dull, often black or reddish-brownish layer that forms on the surface of some metals. It's caused by a chemical reaction with sulphur-containing gases in the atmosphere. It's similar to the oxidation process that occurs when an apple is exposed to air after being peeled.
Humidity speeds up the rate at which silver tarnishes, therefore jewellery should not be stored in the bathroom. Perspiration and bright sunlight have the same effect. Moisture can also mark some gemstones.
Tarnish forms a fine layer on the surface of silver but doesn't cause damage. The easiest and most effective way to clean silver jewellery is to use a silver polishing cloth.
Where possible, avoid using chemical solutions like jewellery dips. With repeated use, these can leave marks on silver that may be difficult or impossible to remove.
If your silver jewellery is heavily tarnished or its shape makes it difficult to clean with a polishing cloth, you may need to use a chemical solution. In that case, choose a high-quality product.
When using a chemical solution to clean silver jewellery, dip your item in for just a few seconds and dry it immediately. Then, use a silver polishing cloth to remove any remaining tarnish.
A brush can be used to remove dirt, but the bristles must be soft otherwise you'll end up with fine scratches on the silver.
Chemical solutions should not be used to clean gold or silver jewellery with gemstones.
Protect from Corrosives
Ideally, gemstones and silver jewellery should be removed before swimming or using a jacuzzi. Chlorine is a corrosive chemical, and the salt in seawater can also be corrosive.
Seawater is particularly damaging due to its high salt content and the presence of other minerals that contribute to corrosion.
In the Dead Sea, everything except 24-carat gold will tarnish almost immediately.
Perspiration also contains salt, so jewellery should preferably be removed, but if not, be covered during strenuous exercise.
Silver and gemstones should not be worn in a sauna. Many stones don't react well to heat or moisture, and when combined with salt, it's a recipe for disaster.
Household detergents can also mark silver and gemstones. Try to wear gloves to protect rings or remove them. There is some evidence to suggest the latex in rubber gloves may speed up the rate at which silver tarnishes. Many household gloves contain latex.
If silver is wrapped in paper, cardboard, or plastic for long periods of time, it can tarnish due to moisture. To prevent this, small packets of silica gel are often included in packaging as they absorb moisture.

Gemstone Care
Rocks and minerals have evolved over millions of years, but if not well cared for, can soon become damaged.
For gemstones to remain in pristine condition, they must be well looked after. Chrysocolla and malachite are widely used in jewellery but are both soft and fragile.
Amethyst, citrine, topaz, fluorite, and turquoise can fade or change colour if exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time.
The colour of opal is said to shine brighter in sunlight, but heat will cause it to dehydrate. A dehydrated opal will crack.
Although many gemstones can tolerate heat, some may crack internally or externally if exposed to a sudden change in temperature.
Despite its popularity, the mineral turquoise is particularly fragile. It's sensitive to heat and prone to cracking and changing colour. If not removed, contact with perfumes, hairspray, and cosmetics can also cause damage.
Before storing your silver and gemstone jewellery, wipe it with a soft cloth to remove any pollutants that may have accumulated.
Although it's safe to clean some gemstones in warm, soapy water, others should not be allowed to get wet. Malachite, turquoise, pyrite, and lapis lazuli do not react well to water.
Silver jewellery can be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner, but many gemstones will crack if cleaned in this way.