Premium-Grade Rose Quartz Crystals - Reduced
At Stone Mania, we refer to stones that aren’t quite as perfect as we’d like them to be as "empathic warriors."
Because of how tumbled stones are produced and transported and the extent to which they're handled, it's not uncommon to occasionally find stones with a minor imperfection. This may be a chip, fracture, mark, or other anomaly.
Rather than discarding these stones, we offer them for sale at a significantly reduced price as part of our commitment to sustainability.
Sustainability means reducing waste and reusing whatever can still be used. This conserves natural resources and reduces pollution.
The late Judy Hall, author of the Crystal Bible books, spoke highly of empathic warrior crystals. She said stones that are broken or have become broken while in our care should never be thrown away.
From a metaphysical perspective, I believe that a damaged stone can aid personal growth because the imperfection reminds us that nothing in this world is perfect or lasts forever. This can be a powerful reminder that we must accept and love ourselves just as we are.