Morganite Pink Variety of Beryl
The colour of Morganite, which is the pink variety of the mineral beryl, is generally subtle and rarely perfectly pink.
As with many minerals, the colour can be enhanced when heated. Depending on the type of treatment used, a richer and more distinctive shade of pink can be achieved.
The trade name "peach morganite" is often used to describe Morganite that's not particularly pink. Ironically, this is the mineral's natural colour.
Morganite with a stronger and more distinctive shade of pink will almost certainly have been heated. This material is sometimes referred to as pink morganite.
The colour of Morganite varies from yellowish-orange to peachy-orange to a peachy shade of pink. It can even be a subtle lilac. Its colour comes from impurities of manganese.
With morganite being a relatively rare variety of beryl, the finest grade material is used for gemstones. Stone not deemed to be gemstone grade is used for carving and for tumbled stones.
Our morganite crystals are a larger size tumbled stone, but size can vary from piece to piece.
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